venerdì 5 settembre 2014

Shirataki rice!

This dinner was very satisfactory!

Shirataki rice 50 gr.
Green pepper 15 gr
Black pepper
Chicken Wurstel 150 gr
Fucus 2 gr
E.v.o. Oil

So delicious!

Do you know tgat Shirataki is a root? It is completely low calorie food! 
Domething like 6 gr carbs per 100 gr!
That's all it has! Total kcalories? 24!!

It contains glucomannan that seems like it can stimulate the absorbtion of the carbs. 

It's like a little miracle, isn't it?

It does not taste like pasta but it's a good substitute. 
You somehow feel like you're having some pasta for dinner, but you don't and you are only taking 24 kcal i.o. 200!!

Simply fantastic!! And you know what? It seems very light at taste, like if you're eating something so delicate, even if I added lots of spices you'll still have the sensation of have eaten something light!

You won't get up full and bloated like you would have done after having eated some pasta, with the same ingredients I used.

Tryyyyyyyyyyyy it!!

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