sabato 23 agosto 2014

Sweet orange and Ylang Ylang for your scrub!

Alternatives to the scrub I made in these days are many.
Sweet orange in combination with Ylang Ylang has the perfect smell!
So, I put Extra Virgin Olive Oil this time, hymalayan salt, coffee powder (used) and those two essential oils + mentha that is good when it comes to stimulate tonification of the legs (3 gtt of s.o., 2 gtt of y.y., 3 gtt of mentha)
I'll try to put more s.o. Gtt and 1 gtt of y.y. To find the perfect smell for my taste.
You all know, personal tastes are important to follow and if we prefer an odour i/o another it might be because our body needs that specific element that is contained in an engredient.
Feel our body's signals, our primary goal!
Once we learn too feel them without fiters and foggy feelings, we're almost done! 
Happy weekend to you all!

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